
รูป :
ประเภท :
หมวดหมู่ :
หัวข้องานงานวิจัย (Eng) :
Effect of land-use and human disturbance on herpetofaunal communities in the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve, Nakhon Ratchasima
หัวข้องานงานวิจัย (ไทย) :
Suranaree University of Technology
พื้นที่ศึกษา :
Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve
ปี ค.ศ./พ.ศ. :
ช่วงเวลางานวิจัย (เริ่ม-สิ้นสุด) :
ผลลัพธ์การวิจัย :
ลักษณะของเอกสาร :
ประเภทงานวิจัย :

ชื่อสถาบัน/หน่วยงาน :
Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
ชื่อหน่วยงานความร่วมมือ :
Sakaerat Environmental Research Station, Thailand.
ชื่อหน่วยงานผู้ให้ทุน :

วัตถุประสงค์งานวิจัย :
To determine abundance, richness, and diversity of reptile (excluding birds) and amphibian species in the (a) secondary forests, (b) plantation forests, and (c) protected areas of the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve.
To evaluate the structure of amphibian and reptile communities in three different land use types
To determine the impact of land-use on body condition of highly abundant species

Keywords :
Diversity; Species Richness; Community Structure; Habitats
บทคัดย่อ :
protected Area cannot completely sustain biodiversity, thus understanding the role of human-disturbed areas in conserving the worlds diversity in critical. Despite intensive deforestation, Southeast Asia is underrepresented in studies investigating faunal communities in human-modifiled landscapes. This project assessed the herpetofaunal community in dry dipterocarp forest, secondary disturbed forest, and eucalyptus plantations in the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve. In May, June, and September of 2015 , we surveyed using 11 passive trapping arrays. Each array consisted of 12 double funnel traps and three 40 L pitfall traps. We assessed habitat characteristics at each site collected from six 1m x 1m quartats at each site. To collect landscape variables such as elecation and patch size, we used ArcGIS mapping software. Analysis of the habitat cahracters using multiple correspondence analysis (MCA), did not reveal any clustering of the sites. The results showed 861 individuals were captured representing 40 species. The eucalyptus plantations (361 individuals, 37 species) and highly disturbed forest sites (373 individuals, 29 species) hoted higher herpetofauna abundance and richness than protected areas of dry dipterocarp forest (127 individuals, 29 species) Both the PLE and HDF (224 and 275 individuals respectively) had higher amphibian abundance than the DDF (57 individuals) Reptiles in contrast showed the highest anundance in the PLE sites compared to the other two forest types, with 100 captures compared to 54 in the DDF and 57 in the HDF. Based on sample based rarefaction herpetofaunal species richness did not vary between forest types, but did vary significantly between the DDF compared HDF and PLE sites when comparing amphibian species. We did not find any significant differences in community structure among forest types based on non-metric multidimentional scaling and PERMANOVA
เอกสารอ้างอิง :
Crane, M. (2015). Effect of land-use and human disturbance on herpetofaunal communities in the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve, Nakhon Ratchasima (Doctoral dissertation, School of Environmental Biology Institute of Science Suranaree University of Technology).

ไฟล์แนบงานวิจัย :

รูปภาพประกอบ :


ลำดับ รูป ชื่อวิทยาศาสตร์ ไฟลัม ชั้น อันดับ วงศ์ สกุล
1Card imageBoiga multomaculataChordataReptiliaSquamataColubridaeBoiga
2Card imageBoiga siamensisChordataReptiliaSquamataColubridaeBoiga
3Card imageBungarus candidusChordataReptiliaSquamataElapidaeBungarus
4Card imageCalliophis maculicepsChordataReptiliaSquamataElapidaeCalliophis
5Card imageCalloselasma rhodostomaChordataReptiliaSquamataViperidaeCalloselasma
6Card imageCalotes versicolorChordataReptiliaSquamataAgamidaeCalotes
7Card imageChrysopelea ornataChordataReptiliaSquamataColubridaeChrysopelea
8Card imageCoelognathus radiatusChordataReptiliaSquamataColubridaeCoelognathus
9Card imageDendrelaphis subocularisChordataReptiliaSquamataColubridaeDendrelaphis
10Card imageDixonius siamensisChordataReptiliaSquamataGekkonidaeDixonius
11Card imageDuttaphrynus melanostictusChordataAmphibiaAnuraBufonidaeDuttaphrynus
12Card imageEutropis maculariaChordataReptiliaSquamataScincidaeEutropis
13Card imageFelis chausChordataMammalCarnivoraFelidaeFelis
14Card imageGehyra mutilataChordataReptiliaSquamataGekkonidaeGehyra
15Card imageGlyphoglossus guttulatusChordataAmphibiaAnuraMicrohylidaeGlyphoglossus
16Card imageGlyphoglossus molossusChordataAmphibiaAnuraMicrohylidaeGlyphoglossus
17Card imageHemidactylus platyurusChordataReptiliaSquamataGekkonidaeHemidactylus
18Card imageHylarana erythraeaChordataAmphibiaAnuraRanidaeHylarana
19Card imageHylarana macrodactylaChordataAmphibiaAnuraRanidaeHylarana
20Card imageHystrix brachyuraChordataMammalRodentiaHystricidaeHystrix
21Card imageIndotyphlops albicepsChordataReptiliaSquamataTyphlopidaeIndotyphlops
22Card imageIndotyphlops braminusChordataReptiliaSquamataTyphlopidaeIndotyphlops
23Card imageKaloula pulchraChordataAmphibiaAnuraMicrohylidaeKaloula
24Card imageKaloula pulchraChordataAmphibiaAnuraMicrohylidaeKaloula
25Card imageLeiolepis rubritaeniataChordataReptiliaSquamataAgamidaeLeiolepis
26Card imageLycodon davisoniiChordataReptiliaSquamataColubridaeLycodon
27Card imageLycodon laoensisChordataReptiliaSquamataColubridaeLycodon
28Card imageMicrohyla butleriChordataAmphibiaAnuraMicrohylidaeMicrohyla
29Card imageMicrohyla butleriChordataAmphibiaAnuraMicrohylidaeMicrohyla
30Card imageMicrohyla inornataChordataAmphibiaAnuraMicrohylidaeMicrohyla
31Card imageMicrohyla pulchraChordataAmphibiaAnuraMicrohylidaeMicrohyla
32Card imageMicryletta inornataChordataAmphibiaAnuraMicrohylidaeMicryletta
33Card imageNaja siamensisChordataReptiliaSquamataElapidaeNaja
34Card imageOccidozyga limaChordataAmphibiaAnuraDicroglossidaeOccidozyga
35Card imageOligodon inornatusChordataReptiliaSquamataColubridaeOligodon
36Card imageOligodon inornatusChordataReptiliaSquamataColubridaeOligodon
37Card imageOligodon taeniatusChordataReptiliaSquamataColubridaeOligodon
38Card imagePsammodynastes pulverulentusChordataReptiliaSquamataColubridaePsammodynastes
39Card imageRhabdophis chrysargosChordataReptiliaSquamataColubridaeRhabdophis
40Card imageSubdoluseps bowringiiChordataReptiliaSquamataScincidaeSubdoluseps

สถานีวิจัยสิ่งแวดล้อมสะแกราช (สสส.)
Sakaerat Environmental Research Station
Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve.

  • 1 หมู่ 9 ต.อุดมทรัพย์ อ.วังน้ำเขียว
    จ.นครราชสีมา 30370 ประเทศไทย

  • 09 8219 5570, 06 1102 1707

  • sakaerat@tistr.or.th

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