Keywords :
Forest-dwelling primates
Habitat selection
imperfect detection
Macaca leonina
Random walk grid survey
Simulations, site-occupancy model
survey effort.
บทคัดย่อ :
With the ongoing biodiversity crisis and the continued loss of species, it becomes crucial to find practical solutions to monitor threatened animal populations for wildlife conservation and management. However, in practice, monitoring is especially challenging for elusive, rare, and wide-ranging species, where estimating abundance is often expensive and time-consuming. Alternatively, estimating occupancy (i.e. detection/non-detection data) may be less resource-intensive, while still providing useful information for monitoring population trends.
เอกสารอ้างอิง :
Gazagne, E., Wilputte, M., Ngoprasert, D., Vercauteren, M., Drubbel, R. V., & Savini, T. (2023). Elusive species and where to find them: assessment of survey protocols for primates habitat selection. Wildlife Research.