Keywords :
Active foraging,
Predatory behavior,
บทคัดย่อ :
Large Scolopendrid centipedes are capable of
preying on small vertebrates. However, details on
their foraging behavior and diet under natural
conditions are lacking. We describe novel behaviors
of a widely distributed Southeast Asian centipede,
Scolopendra dehaani, in Nakhon Ratchasima,
Thailand. We report the first documented
observation of a Scolopendra species actively
foraging and capturing prey diurnally, as well as the
first arboreal predation by S. dehaani, and provide
brief insight into prey handling strategies large
Scolopendrids may use to subdue vertebrate prey.
Each of the three predation events were of S.
dehaani feeding on small vertebrates, indicating
that vertebrate prey may make up an important
component of S. dehaani diet in the wild. We
suggest S. dehaani, and likely other large terrestrial Scolopendrid centipedes which live in
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tropical forests, forage arboreally and may rely on
large trees as arboreal refuges when terrestrial
refuges are limited. Additionally, these observations
demonstrate that some S. dehaani individuals may
occasionally actively search for prey diurnally.
Further studies are needed to better understand
the ecological habits of S. dehaani and other
tropical Scolopendra species.
เอกสารอ้างอิง :
Hodges, C. W., & Goodyear, J. (2021). Novel foraging behaviors of Scolopendra dehaani (Chilopoda: Scolopendridae) in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 1-6.