
รูป :
ประเภท :
หมวดหมู่ :
หัวข้องานงานวิจัย (Eng) :
Stable isotope analysis reveals the importance of plant-based diets for tropical ant-mimicking spiders
หัวข้องานงานวิจัย (ไทย) :
Entomological Science
พื้นที่ศึกษา :
Sakaerat Environmental Research Station
ปี ค.ศ./พ.ศ. :
ช่วงเวลางานวิจัย (เริ่ม-สิ้นสุด) :
ผลลัพธ์การวิจัย :
ลักษณะของเอกสาร :
ประเภทงานวิจัย :

ชื่อสถาบัน/หน่วยงาน :
Research Core for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan
Makino Herbarium, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan
Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
School of Human Sciences, Kobe College, Nishinomiya, Japan
Museum of Nature and Human Activities, University of Hyogo, Sanda, Japan
ชื่อหน่วยงานความร่วมมือ :
Sarawak Forest Department Sarawak Forestry Corporation Research Institute for Humanity and Nature National Research Council of Thailand Sakaerat Environmental Research Station Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
ชื่อหน่วยงานผู้ให้ทุน :
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI (grant number nos. 24570109, 14 J04245 and 17H01912) Special Coordination funds for Promoting Sciences and Technology from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan.

วัตถุประสงค์งานวิจัย :
To measured 15N and 13C values of nine taxa of ant-mimicking spiders (six species of Myrmarachne, Salticidae; one species of Agorius, Salticidae; one species of Sphecotypus, Corinnidae; and one species of Corinnomma, Corinnidae) collected from two tropical forests.

Keywords :
ant, Araneae, extrafloral nectar, honeydew, Hymenoptera, stable N and C isotopes
บทคัดย่อ :
Ant-mimicking spiders are a well-known example of Batesian mimicry. Earlier studies have proposed that plant-based diets (e.g. extrafloral nectar) are an important food source for ant-mimicking spiders. However, it is still unclear whether the plant-based diets are a main food source or supplementary energy source to the spiders. To examine the feeding habits, we measured stable nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios ( 15N and 13C) of ant-mimicking spiders (six species of Myrmarachne; one species of Agorius, Salticidae; and two species of Corinnidae) collected from a tropical rain forest in Malaysia and a dry evergreen forest in Thailand. We also investigated the isotopic signatures of several ant species sampled from the two forests for comparison. In general, the ant-mimicking spiders had relatively low 15N values, which were comparable to those of the nectar-feeding and omnivorous ants. The 15N values of the ant-mimicking spiders differed significantly among the species: some species (e.g. Myrmarachne sp. H and Myrmarachne sp. 2) showed 15N values similar to those of the nectar-feeding ants, whereas the 15N values of others (e.g. Myrmarachne maxillosa and Myrmarachne malayana) were close to those of the omnivorous ants. The 13C values of the ant-mimicking spiders did not differ significantly among the species, but tended to be similar to those of the nectar- and honeydew-feeding ants rather than the predatory ants. These results indicate that plant-based diets are important for the nutrition of ant-mimicking spiders and suggest that the importance would differ among the ant-mimicking spider species.
เอกสารอ้างอิง :
Hyodo, F., Yamasaki, T., Iwasa, T., Itioka, T., Endo, T., & Hashimoto, Y. (2018). Stable isotope analysis reveals the importance of plant

ไฟล์แนบงานวิจัย :

รูปภาพประกอบ :


ลำดับ รูป ชื่อวิทยาศาสตร์ ไฟลัม ชั้น อันดับ วงศ์ สกุล

สถานีวิจัยสิ่งแวดล้อมสะแกราช (สสส.)
Sakaerat Environmental Research Station
Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve.

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    จ.นครราชสีมา 30370 ประเทศไทย

  • 09 8219 5570, 06 1102 1707

  • sakaerat@tistr.or.th

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