
รูป :
ประเภท :
หมวดหมู่ :
หัวข้องานงานวิจัย (Eng) :
rimary production of plant communities in old clearing areas at Sakaerat Environmental Research Station, Pak Thongchai, Nakhon Ratchasima
หัวข้องานงานวิจัย (ไทย) :
Kasetsart University
พื้นที่ศึกษา :
Sakaerat Environmental Research Station
ปี ค.ศ./พ.ศ. :
ช่วงเวลางานวิจัย (เริ่ม-สิ้นสุด) :
ผลลัพธ์การวิจัย :
ลักษณะของเอกสาร :
ประเภทงานวิจัย :

ชื่อสถาบัน/หน่วยงาน :
Kasetsart University
ชื่อหน่วยงานความร่วมมือ :
ชื่อหน่วยงานผู้ให้ทุน :

วัตถุประสงค์งานวิจัย :
For estimating biomass of undergrowth layers, each plant type was sorted into trees and shrubs under 4.5 cm. DBH, climbers, herbs and grasses. In each type, fresh biomass was weighted separately into stem, branch (or wood), leaf, and standing dead component. Sub-samples of each component in each plant type were oven-dried weight basis. Rate of biomass increment, rate of biomass loss and net primary production were investigated.

Keywords :
Primary production, plant communities
บทคัดย่อ :
The aboveground net primary production of plant communities in old-clearing areas, 2, 4, 7 and 10 years of age and dry evergreen forest at Sakaerat Environmental Research Station, Pakthongchai, Nakhon Ratchasima, was investigated during August, 1978 to August, 1979. One sample plot size 12 X 48 m.2 was established in each old-clearing area, while the other sample plot size 50X50 m.2 was established in DEF stand, for studying DBH growth of trees over 4.5 cm. DBH which were measured at two times. The first measurement was in August, 1978 and September, 1978 for DEF stand and old-clearing areas respectively, while the second measurement was in August, 1979 for all stands. DBH dimension of each tree was used for estimating biomass of individual tree from the already established allometric equations. In each sample plot was subdivided into 36 sub-plots (4 X 4 m.2), 3 sub-plots were monthly random for studying biomass of trees and shrubs under 4.5 cm. DBH. While the biomass of seedlings, herbs, climbers, and grasses were investigated in sub-sub-plot (1 X 1 m.2) randomly located within each 4.4 m.2 plot. Biomass of all plant types in this layer were estimated through the direct harvest method. Standing dead and litter fall during the study period were also monthly collected in each 1 X 1 m2 plot. For estimating biomass of undergrowth layers, each plant type was sorted into trees and shrubs under 4.5 cm. DBH, climbers, herbs and grasses. In each type, fresh biomass was weighted separately into stem, branch (or wood), leaf, and standing dead component. Sub-samples of each component in each plant type were oven-dried weight basis. Rate of biomass increment, rate of biomass loss and net primary production were investigated.
เอกสารอ้างอิง :
Issaree, M. (1982). Primary production of plant communities in old clearing areas at Sakaerat Environmental Research Station, Pak Thongchai, Nakhon Ratchasima (Doctoral dissertation, MS Thesis, Kasetsart University. (in Thai)). ### มีหนังสือ Scan

ไฟล์แนบงานวิจัย :

รูปภาพประกอบ :


ลำดับ รูป ชื่อวิทยาศาสตร์ ไฟลัม ชั้น อันดับ วงศ์ สกุล

สถานีวิจัยสิ่งแวดล้อมสะแกราช (สสส.)
Sakaerat Environmental Research Station
Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve.

  • 1 หมู่ 9 ต.อุดมทรัพย์ อ.วังน้ำเขียว
    จ.นครราชสีมา 30370 ประเทศไทย

  • 09 8219 5570, 06 1102 1707

  • sakaerat@tistr.or.th

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