Keywords :
Sakaerat Environmental Research,
Man and Biosphere
บทคัดย่อ :
SERS was established in 1966 to serve as a knowledge base for the formulation of forest land conservation policies for establishing maximum sustained yield of
forest resources. MAB activities started in 1974 when SERS became one of Unesco s chain of biosphere reserves. In 1980, a task was undertaken to review the
studies that had been conducted at the Station. A summarised version of the review, and recommendations for determining future policies and programmmes are
presented in this paper
เอกสารอ้างอิง :
Khemnark, C. (1982). The SERS and MAB [Sakaerat Environmental Research Station, Man and Biosphere] activities in Thailand-summarised review and recommendations [dipterocarps]. In Workshop on Ecological Basis for Rational Resource Utilization in the Humid Tropics of Southeast Asia, Serdang, Selangor (Malaysia), 18-22 Jan 1982. UPM.