Keywords :
New Species,
Genus Onthophagus
บทคัดย่อ :
This is the second part of the study of the Thai 0,1thophag11sanddeals
with 15 new species from various areas of Thailand. They are described under the follow-
ing names: 011t/lop/tagus (Gibbont/1op11tag1ls) pc,11na,ll sp nov., 0. (1,1dachorius)nlaesae 1-
sl s sp nov., 0. (f11dac/1o1 . 1 11s) Ia,1na1Sichuan 1blM sp nov., 0. (/ndac/1o 1 11s) long populationale 11sfssp nov. ,
sp 0. (indacho1 . ius) tongba,1ttmu sp nov., 0. (1,1dac/101-111s) p/1etchabu 1ensls nov., 0. (i 1-
dac/1o1 . ltls) scottI sp nov., 0. (Pa,-ascatono111us) ,ukae sp nov., 0. (Pal-ascato,10,mls)
pi ,av ,att sp nov., 0. (P/1anaeo,no1p/1tls) 2ette/1 sp nov., 0. (s. str ) tlt1na,nl sp nov., 0. (s.
str ) Ila,mace,Is!s sp nov., 0. (s. str) _1 a 1aoA al sp nov., 0. (s. str) c/1aj1 ap/11l111e17sls sp
nov., 0. (s. str) doittl tge Isis sp n o v.
เอกสารอ้างอิง :
Masumoto, K., Hanboonsong, Y., Ochi, T. (2002). New Species of the Genus Onthophagus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Thailand : Part 1. New Onthophagus from the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve in Northeast Thailand. Elytra, 30(1), 159-172.