Keywords :
Distribution Patterns; Dry Evergreen Forest; Forest Dynamics; Tree Regeneration
บทคัดย่อ :
Deforestation based on anthropogenic activities is the main cause of biological
diversity loss. This study clarified forest dynamics after intermediate disturbances
and detected the tree distribution pattern in a dry evergreen forest (DEF). A 1 hectare
(ha) permanent plot was set up in a lowland DEF in 2002 and all trees with a diameter
at breast height (DBH) larger than 4.5 cm were tagged, measured and identified. Tree
monitoring was done in 2009 and 2016. In addition, the permanent plot was expanded
to 3 ha, for studying the tree distribution pattern and all trees with DBH greater than
2 cm were included and their coordinates also recorded during 2016. The forest
dynamics during 2002 to 2016 showed the net recruitment rate was higher than the
mortality rate (2.58 and 2.35 %/year, respectively); however, it varied among
periods. The mortality rate in the second period (2009-2016) was greater than in the
first period (2002-2009), with rates of 4.71 and 2.64 %/year, respectively, due to
disastrous flooding in 2003. A clumped distribution pattern based on the Morisita
index was detected for all selected species, indicating habitat heterogeneity in which
the physical environments were patched and induced the clumped distribution.
เอกสารอ้างอิง :
Phumphuang, W., Marod, D., Sungkaew, S., & Thinkampaeng, S. (2018). Forest Dynamics and Tree Distribution Patterns in Dry Evergreen Forest, Northeastern, Thailand. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 16(2), 58-67.