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บทคัดย่อ :
The disease survey was carried out in plantations and field trials of four species of Acacia namely, Acacia
auriculiformis,A. mangium, A. aulacocarpa and A. crassicarpa. Most observations were made on A.
auriculiformis because of the availability of two major provenance trials of this species. Stem and branch
cankers of A. auriculiformis in the international provenance trial at Lampao-lamsai became severe after the
trees were stressed by low soil fertility and severe drought. The incidence of this disease was also
investigated at Sakaerat where trees have not been stressed and comparisons were made of the performance
of provenances at both sites. Cooper Creek provenance appeared to be less affected by disease than other
seedlots on the stressful site. Stem diseases of A. mangium and A. aulacocarpa were reported but not studied
in detail. Foliar diseases of Acacia spp. caused by fungi included powdery mildew, black mildew, brown
and black spots and phyllode blight. The main foliar pathogens were Colletotrichum sp., Pestalotiopsis sp.
and Cephaleuros virescens, (which caused an algal spot). Colletotrichum sp. can also infect pods of A.
auriculiformis and become a seed-borne pathogen.
เอกสารอ้างอิง :
Pongpanich, K. (1997, April). Diseases of Acacia species in Thailand. In Diseases of Tropical Acacias. Proceedings of an international workshop, Subanjeriji (South Sumatra) (Vol. 28, pp. 62-69).