Keywords :
Growth performances,
Leaf nitrogen contents,
Stomatal conductances,
Acacia auriculiformis
บทคัดย่อ :
Study on the provenance variation in growth performances, leaf nitrogen contents and stomatal conductances of Acacia auriculiformis were carried out at
Lumpao Lumsai Experimental Station, Kanchanaburi Province and Sakaerat Experimental Station, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The purpose of the study
is to determine the genetic and environmental factors affecting growth performances, total leaf area, leaf nitrogen contents and stomatal conductance of
Acacia auriculiformis at the age of 6 and 7 years old. Acacia auriculiformis at Sakaerat Experimental Station showed better growth performances compared
to the trees at Lumpao Lumsai Experimental Station. At Sakaerat Experimental Station, the seedlot from Queensland (QLD) showed the best stem form with
the average height of 1.60 m and the number of stem of 1.14. The seedlot from Papua New Guinea (PNG) showed the highest DBH and total canopy leaf
area with-the average of 16.18 cm and 143.53 square m respectively. Lumpao Lumsai Experimental Station, the seedlot from PNG showed the highest
survival (96.88 percent) with the average number of stem of 1.97 and the seedlot from QLD showed the best DBH and height growth with the average of
12.40 cm and 9.0 m respectively. The seedlot from Northern Territory (NT) showed the highest total canopy leaf area (102.48 square m). Leaf nitrogen
contents of Acacia auriculiformis found the end of growing season was higher than at the end of dry season. The trees from Sakaerat Experi
mental Station showed higher leaf nitrogen contents compared to the trees from Lumpao Lumsai Experimental Station. The seedlot from NT showed the
highest leaf nitrogen contents with the average of 2.17 and 2.60 percent at Lumpao Lumsai and Sakaerat Experimental Station respectively. The diurnal
course of stomatal conductances was generally high in the morning and decrease in the afternoon and was rather constant between 11.00-15.00 hrs. The
seedlot from PNG showed the highest stomatal conductances throughout the year. The stomatal conductances measured in the growing season (April-
October) were higher than those measured in the dry season. The QLD provenance showed the highest stomatal conductances in dry season with an
average of 0.078 mol/square m/s.
เอกสารอ้างอิง :
Rotchanametakul, P. (1998). Provenance variation in growth performances, leaf nitrogen contents and stomatal conductances of Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. Ex Benth.