Keywords :
Structure and dynamics,
Dry dipterocarp forest
บทคัดย่อ :
Investigations of the stand characteristics and changes in mortality and growth of tree species
in the typical deciduous dry dipterocarp (broad-leaved) forest occurring in mainland Southeast Asia,
the most extensively distributed forest type of Thailand, were carried out in four stands of 1 ha square
in Sakaerat Environmental Research Station, northeastern Thailand. The fours stands show sporadic,
discontinuous crown covers with large canopy openings as well as stratification of the whole stand
parameters vary from stand to stand, but all stands contain relatively few species. Association types
of the four stands, based on the highest importance value index (IVI) of the two main species were
recognized as (1) Shorea floribunda-Quercus kerrii, (2) Shorea obtusa-Shorea siamensis, (3)
Shorea obtusa-Pterocarpus macrocarpus and (4) Shorea siamensis-Shorea floribunda.The
distributional pattern of all individuals, death and recruitment (to DBH 4.5 cm.) were followed for
four years, together with their mean annual diameter increment, relative growth rate and basal area
cover for the stand and for the selected tree species. These stand parameters changed differently
depending on species composition, stand density and behavior of the dominant species.
เอกสารอ้างอิง :
Sahunalu, P., & Dhanmanonda, P. (1995). Structure and dynamics of dry dipterocarp forest, Sakaerat, northeastern Thailand. Vegetation science in forestry, 465-494.