Keywords :
Dominant Species, Soil, Tropical Forest
บทคัดย่อ :
The mean annual
litterfall over a period of 48 months of Shorea henryana type was 6.8 t/ha/y, consisting of
70.3% leaves, 15.2% woody material, 5.0% reproductive structures and 9.5% unclassified. In the Hopea ferrea type, mean annuallitterfall was 6.4 t/ha/y. comprising 73.5% leaves, 7.3%
woody material, 3.0% reproductive structures and 6.2% unclassified. The year-to-year variation in total litterfall was significant for both types. Seasonality of litterfall was more marked
in the Shorea henryana type than in the Hopea ferrea type.
The nutrient element concentrations in the litterfall were similar between the types. TIle
concentrations of all elements were within the ranges reported for other tropical forests.
เอกสารอ้างอิง :
Bunyavejchewin, S. (1997). Ecological studies of tropical semi-evergreen rain forest at Sakaerat, Nakhon Ratchasima, Northeast Thailand, II Litterfall. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc, 45, 43-52.